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Mountain Magic: The Craft Soda Revolution at Cool Mountain

Craft Sodas have been around ages. Do you know soda wasn’t born in a fancy lab or a chef’s kitchen? In mineral springs with naturally infused carbon dioxide water, it comes into existence, possessing unique bubbliness. This caught the curiosity of inventors and their creative side got to work. The result? Well, the world got refreshing bottled drinks that we call soda.

Craft sodas are special. They aren’t a result of mass production. Local artisans brew products to perfection using only the finest natural ingredients they meticulously choose.

Brewing a soda revolution through craft sodas

Cool Mountain is one such soda manufacturer that harnesses the purity of the natural ingredients available at the mountains in North Carolina. The artisans dedicate themselves to extracting the best from pure cane sugar. What they have achieved is mind-blowing.

You now can enjoy a whole lot of crafted drinks that promise to refresh you to the core.

Flavors of the mountain

Soda connoisseurs are presented with an abundance of choices, from the bold taste of black cherry in cream soda to the tangy green apple in orange cream. They can also enjoy the freshness of strawberries

The craft sodas are brimming with fantastic flavors and soothing aromas. In addition, they reflect the culture of the area where they are prepared.

As you take a sip of the Cool Mountain soda, you would realize it isn’t your regular soda. It is special and meant for people who appreciate newer flavors and purity of ingredients.

Bring home the revolution

Thanks to the popularity of the handcrafted sodas, they are now available online and at retail outlets. You can also get them through distributors and wholesalers. As you order a craft soda from Cool Mountain, be prepared to get soaked in pure mountain magic.

Taste the flavors made by artisans who carry an unwavering commitment to create unique and refreshing drinks.

The great thing about these drinks is that they suit all occasions. You can sip them on a regular day or you can have a blast on your birthday with the amazing flavors.

A craft soda in hand is the ultimate thing to have to refresh yourselves after a hard day.

Wait no more.

Join the revolution of handcrafted drinks. Sip some Cool Mountain. Let your senses feel the magic.